Grenada - Grand Anse Beach

Intro to Grenada

Grenada is made up of 1 large island and 6 smaller islands in the Caribbean. Volcanic in origin, Grenada is famous for its spices and is known as the “Island of Spice”, specifically, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, cocoa and cinnamon. Relatively untouched, this island has epic hiking trails, historical forts, incredible beaches, underwater sculpture parks, and picturesque waters. 

Despite the fact they drive on the left side of the road, Grenada is easy to navigate with 1 large road looping around the island, taking you to waterfalls, hidden beaches, and much more. 

Fast Facts

Language – English

Currency – Eastern Caribbean Dollar (ECD)

Capital – St. George’s

Drinking Age – 18

Adapter InfoPlug G outlets

Fun Trivia – Grenada consumes more alcohol than most other countries worldwide. Average daily intake of alcohol in Grenada is 40.4 grams of pure alcohol while the worldwide is average daily intake is 33 grams.

Adventures in Grenada